(This post has been updated in August 2022)

From social media to the C-suite, influence is a hot topic. Everyone is trying to get it, wield it, and keep it. But what is influence and why does it matter?

Merriam-Webster defines influence as “the power to direct the thinking or behavior of others, usually indirectly.”

Whether we recognize it or not, we use these skills all the time, not just at work. The style or nature of our presence, what we say and how we say it, and the attitude we project—consciously or otherwise—may all influence people positively or negatively.

As valuable as influence is, it is often misunderstood. Influence is often viewed as synonymous with exerting control over others to get them to think or act in the way we would like them to. However, influence is about more than gaining the upper hand. At its core, influence is about courage, personal transformation, authenticity, and movement.

Influence is also about our universal need for connection and trust. One of the best ways to nurture these connections is through storytelling.

Throughout history and across cultures, humans have told stories to impart knowledge, elicit emotion, persuade, and build bonds. Stories span oral, written, and digital mediums. Storytelling can take the form of myths, legends, and most commonly religion, and seems to be something we are hardwired to crave.

In fact, science has found that our brains respond more positively to storytelling compared to other ways of transmitting information, such as a lecture or PowerPoint presentation. Stories have the potential to help people connect, develop genuine understanding, and unite around common purposes. Studies show that stories are 20 times more likely to be recalled than facts alone.

An effective story is memorable and makes us feel emotions—excitement, empathy, anger, sadness, or happiness. The emotions that we experience cause us to connect with and trust the person telling the story.

Storytelling can also be a valuable tool for leaders who are facing rapid change. Now more than ever, information overload is real. Stories can break through the clutter, help make sense of chaos and uncertainty, and illuminate new possibilities for the future.

The Hero’s Journey Framework for Storytelling
We all appreciate an engaging story but do we know how to tell it? One useful framework is the journey of the hero. The Hero’s Journey is an enduring mythological structure defined by Joseph Campbell in his book The Hero with a Thousand Faces. The catalyst for the Hero’s Journey is when something shakes up the hero’s life. The hero must reach within to find the courage to change. With the guidance of a mentor, the hero encounters obstacles and gains insights that help to bring about the hero’s personal transformation.

Our role in the Hero’s Journey is that of the mentor. As the mentor, here are questions we can ask to prepare for our conversation:

  • What goals do you share with the hero?
  • What are your shared experiences?
  • Why should the hero listen?

From the audience and stakeholder perspective, the mentor’s job is to prove that it is worth it to move from one way to another way—from an old paradigm to a new paradigm.

Think of storytelling as a three-act play. In Act 1 you create the big idea and meet the need for change head-on. This might mean getting ahead of the competition in business or accelerating your child’s dreams of attending college. Use words that inspire and prompt movement to describe life as exciting and snap the hero’s life out of balance.

As with a technology that will impact the market or something new coming down the road, there will always be naysayers. The point is not to dwell on any negatives but to restore hope for the hero and create excitement for the change ahead.

In Act 2, the journey begins. The mentor sits down with the audience and staff to define expectations and paint a visual way forward. In this step, the mentor lays out the journey, making sure to identify specific steps and pitfalls.

In Act 3, the mentor lays out the exact steps 1-2-3-4 to the hero’s new bliss. Change someone’s belief system and reveal what is possible!

Storytelling may seem like an old-fashioned tool but that is exactly what makes it essential. Every story is a chance to strengthen bonds with our listeners.  Facts can persuade people, but data alone doesn’t inspire them to act. To do that, it takes a narrative that fires the imagination and excites the soul. Ready to tell your unique story? To learn more about The Propel Consulting Group, contact us now.